Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sixteenth Annual Graduate Research Conference in African Studies

“Transcending Boundaries, Bridging the Continent”

Sixteenth Annual Graduate Research Conference in African Studies
Boston University: March 14-15, 2008

The Graduate Research Conference in African Studies is an interdisciplinary forum intended for graduate students at all levels of study. The conference provides an informal setting in which students can exchange ideas, share research, and expand collegial networks. In past years, participants have presented course research, dissertation proposals, thesis chapters, methodological models, and other works in progress. While there are no strict thematic guidelines, special consideration will be given to papers with multidisciplinary application and/or cross-regional appeal.

Keynote Speaker to be announced in January 2008.

Abstracts Due: February 1, 2008
Email submissions to:
Or Mail to: Graduate Student Conference
African Studies Center
270 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215

Abstracts submitted should include the author’s name, address, institutional affiliation, email address and phone number. A $20 conference fee can be paid upon registration at the beginning of the conference.

More information can be found at the Conference’s website: